
Let’s talk about your business and how The Berney Law Firm can help.

To make it super easy, you have two ways to start the conversation:

Fill out and submit this form, and I’ll get back to you.


Just go ahead and call me now, while you’re thinking about it.
(404) 881-6010  or (888) 734-4287

Please understand that submission of this contact form does not create an attorney-client relationship and, therefore, the information you provide may not be considered confidential.  Any attorney-client relationship will be memorialized with a signed written retainer agreement outlining the scope of our representation.

Office Address:

The Berney Law Firm
934 Glenwood Ave., SE
Suite 110
Atlanta, Georgia 30316


Office (404) 881-6010

Toll Free (888) 734-4287

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